20% Discounts and FREE SHIPPING!
Discount Pool Cues
You will find here a wide variety of brand name cues, including Meucci, Action, Elite, McDermott, Hampton, Scorpion,
Falcon, Cuetec, Predator, 5280, Joss, Balabushka, Schon, Lucasi, Players, Mezz, Minnesota Fats, Mike Massey,
DMI, Mizerak, Mayhem, Griffin, Stealth, Spartan Sports, Competition, Imperial, McFarland and Viper. Also available are selections of break/jump cues, sneaky
pete cues, NBA, NFL and MLB team cues, NASCAR cues, low deflection cues, one-piece cues, and snooker cues. And if you're looking to economize, we can steer
you to some extremely cheap pool sticks. Looking for a new cue tip? You can buy Tiger Laminated Tips and Sniper Laminated Tips right here.
Discount Pool Cue Cases

Featured here are hard and soft cue cases by the following makers: Action, Elite, Instroke, Porper, Giuseppe, Lucasi, Scorpion, Mike Massey Cue Cases and many more. Also available are travel cases.
Discount Pool Cue Accessories
These are just some of the quality pool & billiards accessories featured here: The Action Standard Billiards Ball Set, Premium Aramith Pro Balls, Aramith Pro Cup 6 Red Dot TV Cue Ball, Elephant Practice Balls, Club Fun Table-top Miniature Pool Table, Color Swirls Billiard Ball Set, the Tip Pik Shadow Chalker, Porper Tip Shaper/Tacker, Aramith Q-Tru Training Ball and Sniper, Elk Master, Moori and Le Pro Tips
Pool Table Lights, Tables & Supplies
The perfect light for your pool table. We offer sports team lamps for pro sports teams, designer lights plus
standard lights with a variety of shades, including green, brass, chrome, and frosted.
Discount Pool Tables
Find the pool table of your dreams right here among standard 7 foot, 8 foot and 9 foot slate and slatron bed tables by Spartan Sports, Mizerak, Minnesota Fats, Silver Knight and Imperial. Models also include bumper pool tables, 3 in 1 tables and coin-operated tables.
Pool Table Repair Supplies
Replacement parts for your pool table including pool table pockets, gulleys, cushions and shims as well as pool table lights, felt, balls racks, brushes and more
Discount Pool Cue Racks & Stands
Dress up your pool room with Cue Wall Racks, Floor Stands & Corner Stands, in a variety of materials, styles and finishes, including oak, mahogany and wrought iron. Capacity from six to twelve cues.
Billiards Posters & Art Prints
Whether you're decorating your pool room (poolroom) or bringing the flavor of the pool room into your home, we have the
perfect poster for you. Choose among the dogs playing pool posters of Sarnoff and Coolidge, the popular Hustler
posters and many other pool, billiard and snooker images. Here are just a few of our featured Pool &
Billiards Posters: Scratched at Dawn - Arthur Sarnoff, Billiards - Michael Harrison, Hustler, Scratch,
Paul Newman - The Hustler, Jack the Ripper - Sarnoff, Jackie Gleason - Hustler, The Color of Money,
The Rat Pack, Pool Balls in Corner Pocket, Billiard Parlour - Jean Beraud, and Billiard Table Under
Light - Georges Braque.
Billiards Books, Games & Movies on DVD
The widest selection of pool & billiard books on the web. Instructional books written by master
teachers and billiards personalities like noted experts Ray Martin, Philip Capelle, Richard Kranicki,
George Fels, Robert Byrne, Mike Massey, Robert Byrne, Ewa Mataya Laurance, Ph.D. Bob Fancher, David
McCumber, Steve Mizerak, Willie Mosconi, F. Hermann and Danny McGoorty. Plus find these favorite pool
movies on DVD:
The Hustler,
The Color of Money,
Poolhall Junkies, and
Pool & Music T-Shirts
The only place where you can get men's and women's t-shirts and apparel bearing the "You had me at high-low - I love 8-ball" caption. Plus our latest creation, "I Went To A Fight and a game of 8-ball broke out." In addition, we have Dead Stroke, Run Out, Pooldawg t-shirts, plus original design pool tees from cafepress. And if you would prefer a music t-shirt,
we have more than 100 rock, metal, rap, hip-hop and punk t-shirts to choose from.
Pool & Billiards Literature
I have collected the best in pool & billiards literature - stories and poems. In addition to writings
by the masters of literature, like
The Pool Players. Seven At The Golden Shovel by Gwendolyn
Brooks, you will find these pool-related stories and poems by Ace Toscano:
The Truth About Van Gogh's The Night Cafe,
Remembrance of Ignominious Things Past,
The Kid Who
Beat Mosconi, Ace's Web Blog (Ace talks pool),
Once A Weasel,
The Friendly Game of Pool,
What Happened at the R & R?
Ace's World of Pool: My Game.
Pool & Billiards Fine Art
This site celebrates pool and billiards in the arts with images of paintings. Represented are
contemporary works as well as creations of the masters. Featured artists include: Arthur Robins,
Jean Beraud, Boilly, George Braque, Joe Klucar, Steven J. Levin, Norman Rubington, Dmitry Pahomov, Alexandr S
Feoktistov, Elmer Roslin, Jacob Lawrence and Malcolm Thain.
Celebrities Shooting Pool
This site presents photos (pictures, photographs) of celebrities, rock stars and movie stars shooting
(playing) pool, billiards and snooker. Featured are Fred Astaire, Brad Pitt, Nicolas Cage, Sean Penn,
Christopher Walken, James Coburn, Tom Cruise, Jane Fonda, John Wayne, Julia Roberts, Keith Richards,
Brigitte Neilson, Rebecca DeMornay, Marlon Brando, Mark Twain and many others.
Pool Tournament Brackets
FREE from Ace's Web World - 16 player and 32 player pool tournament brackets - each neatly fitted onto one 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet. Click here:
16 player (MS Word),
32 player (MS Word),
16 Player (PDF),
32 player (PDF).
Ace's Pool Leagues
Here I will host Pool League pages for league operators who wish to have info about their local in-house or bar leagues available on the internet but do not have
the resources to provide it. A typical page will include a schedule, league standings, and a list of the top ten individual point leaders. Check out my FREE introductory offer.
Darts, Dart Boards & Accessories
Our affiliate partner PoolDawg is much more than just billiards and pool cues. They carry a large variety of darts including dartboards, soft tip darts, steel tip darts and all sorts of dart accessories. With hundreds of products to choose from, PoolDawg is quickly becoming the darter's best friend.
Ace's Pool Blog
Ace talks about pool and what he's doing to improve his game. Read about his home-made aiming device, his
experiments with eye patches, his practice routines and about the state of pool in and around his home
base in Pasco County, Florida. "After not playing for 38 years, I was back at ground zero. And progress
has been slow. But I'm still improving, so what the hell."
© Copyright 2003- by Ace Toscano. All rights reserved.
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Privacy Policy: This site does not collect personal information from or about visitors. Visitors may choose to
share personal information on our message board. This information is considered public and may be accessible to
anyone. If a visitor elects to email us, we may save the email address but will not share it with any other
organization or individual.
Site Description: Ace's Web World Pool and Billiards: A Source for billiards books, DVDs and Video Games, pool posters,
discount pool cues and supplies, plus billiards and Music t-shirts. Great gifts for pool players. I started playing pool more than
40 years ago in a little town 40 miles west of New York City. By the time I was 16 years old, I was shooting pretty good but time
and inactivity eroded my skills. I still play, though, and stay involved with the game. This pool site and my related pool pages
are a labor of love. Thanks for stopping by.